EVALUATION PROCESS: Determine the degree of accomplishment based on expected performance of the job description, the prior year’s goals, and the general success of the District Libraries and programs.
GUIDELINES: The Trustees will complete this form and review the evaluation with the Library Director.
- The Library Director will know the standards against which she/he will be evaluated.
- An evaluation will occur at least once a year.
- Both parties will prepare for the evaluation—the Library Director by conducting a self-evaluation using this form and the Board of Trustees by examining various sources of information relating to the individual’s performance as itemized on this form.
- The Board of Trustees will survey library staff as directed on the final page of this form as one source of information.
- The evaluations should include a discussion of strengths as well as areas for improvement. Rational, objective, and quantifying evidence should support each judgment on the evaluation.
Library Director Evaluation Policy Form