When a patron registers for a library card at the Bonneville County Library District, staff will collect their name, address, email, and phone number via a paper form.
The purpose for collecting this information is so that it is easier for the library to contact the patron for the following reasons:
- Items the patron placed on hold are ready to be picked up
- Reminders for programs that the patron has signed up for
- Items checked out by the patron are due
- Items were returned damaged
- Returning “lost and found” cards or other personal items
The Bonneville County Library District will not share or sell your contact information with any third parties without expressed written consent.
To opt-out of receiving notifications from the library you may do any of the following:
- ***RECOMMENDED*** Change your message settings on the library website bcld.org (click the Catalog/Account link and sign-in, then click “Messaging” in the left column to access your message settings.)
- Call the library during business hours at: 208-757-6393
- Email: bonnevillecountylibrary@gmail.com
- Reply STOP or UNSUBSCRIBE to any text message from the library. (Only affects text messages, to opt out of email, please call the library or log-in to your account.)