We are pleased to announce Michelle Tolman as our Interim Library Director to take on the massive task of opening the new Bonneville County Libraries. She will be working closely with contracted librarians to develop our library collection and cataloguing needs.
As a mother of nine, a local business owner, and a passionate advocate for local libraries, Michelle has the determination, experience, and connections to succeed at bringing library branches to the Bonneville County Library District patrons on time and on budget. Previous to her hiring, she has spent years researching library models, connecting with area library directors, studying library laws, and gathering pledges from local business and local libraries.
Because of her business experience, we believe she is the right person to handle our lease agreements, renovations, and set-up of our new branch in Ammon. She also has an incredible vision of how to make our county libraries living libraries—places of community gathering located closer to patron’s homes with interactive and inviting book displays, electronic resources, and mini educational classes from local experts.
We have also in the process of joining the Library Consortium of Eastern Idaho (LCEI), a collaboration of 20 local libraries who will help us with staff development, technical support, and collection development. We have the right support and expertise of professional librarians in our area who are thrilled with our new endeavor and have pledged their assistance.
We love Michelle’s vision of what our county libraries can be, and we are thrilled with her work ethic and dedication to make this new venture a success.